So, I’ve made my decision and I’m announcing it here. I am going to conduct a survey of cupcakes in Massachusetts. Many people know that I think the cupcake is the perfect desert. I’ve thought this for quite some time, long before the recent cupcake craze hit the nation. Long before Carrie made Magnolia’s a cupcake bonanza (although those cupcakes are delicious). I am quite the fan of the cupcake, and i’ve decided to seek out cupcakes across the Commonwealth and report my findings back on this very blog. Just Giblets indeed!
This has been at the back of my mind for a while, and Scot has encouraged me to do it as well, but I think it really crystalized for me at BookExpoAmerica in L.A. this past May. Daniel and Heidi are friends of mine from the Midwest who are in the publshing/bookselling industry. I get to see them every year at BEA and met up with them for dinner and general running around in L.A. this past May. What I didn’t get to do, is go with them to Sprinkles Cupcakes in Beverly Hills, which they visited that afternoon mere hours before meeting me, and proceeded to rave about off and on for the rest of the night. Could they have brought me along? Sure. Did they? I’m guessing you’ve guessed that they did not. You have guessed correctly. Am I bitter? A little, but I still love them and have almost forgiven them. Had they known about my sheer unadulterated devotion to the cupcake, I’m sure this wouldn’t have happened, hence my public search for the best cupcake in Massachusetts.
Before I begin, I will need to develop a set of criteria, which I will work on soon and post here. Then I need to find the cupcakes. Some I already know about, like the divine confections at Brookline’s Party Favors, and the scrumptuous cupcake deserts at Geoffrey’s. Many I will have to discover along the way. If you know of anyplace that has a cupcake worth tasting, please let me know. And for those of you fellow cupcake aficianados, please visit Sprinkle’s Cupcake’s website and vote for their next location to be in Boston!