Powerfully Moving; Simply Beautiful

My friend Bruce was visiting a few weeks ago, and while he was working on his laptop in the next room, he started playing a song which prompted me to comment, “Ah, Rufus Wainwight…” to which he replied, “No, Matt Alber.” Well, I was surprised, the vocal resonance and song stile was very similar to Rufus, especially from that first, self-titled album. A few minutes later a video popped up in my e-mail, and I got to see Matt performing in the video for his song, “End of the World.” Now music often moves me to tears, but rarely does video. In this case, both aspects of this beautiful song got me choked up. From the longing melody to the simple visual of streaming sunlight, “End of the World” is one of those song/video combinations that knocks it out of the part. Almost every image, from the way the barber tips Matt’s chair back to the look on his face halfway through the film, takes my breath away. I don’t want to say anything else so you can experience it yourself, so take a look.


I usually don’t go for these holiday inspired blog posts… oh, it’s thanksgiving, what am I thankful for, but this morning, I guess I’m in a reflective mood.  I don’t often stop and think about what I am truly thankful for in my life and that’s probably not a good thing.  It’s so easy to take the blessings in one’s life for granted, and today, I’m going to take a step back and acknowledge the things I am most thankful for.

When you’re healthy, it’s so easy to take your health for granted.  I have been fortunate enough to be pretty healthy my entire life.  Sure, as a fortysomething-year-old man I should lose a few pounds, eat better, be more active, etc.  But I did quit smoking this year (last January) and I feel really thankful about that!

Friends and Family are such a blessing.  My family is happy and healthy.  Everyone is doing well.  I am especially thankful that my parents, both in their mid-eighties, are doing so well.  And as a gay man, friends are so important, and I’ve got great friends from so many different areas of my life.

Six months ago, my friends and family would be shocked to hear me give thanks to my job… but it’s true.  Of course, in this economic climate I’m thankful to have a job at all, but never in my wildest dreams since becoming a librarian did I think I would ever have this big a job.  And for the first time since I started this job, things are really looking up.  A new leader has really rejuventated by interest in my career, and although things are still pretty difficult in many ways, I’m so hopeful for the future.

Having been a homeowner for a couple of years now, I have to say I am grateful that we’ve got such a comfortable home and great condo-mates.  As Scot often reminds me, we could definitely spend a little more time focused on our home, and that’s something I think I’d like to try and do in the coming year.

In that home I have to give thanks to our kitties, Gertrudis and Parker.  The joy these cats bring me is sometimes astounding.  Gertrudis has been with me for over 14 years, and she is truly part of my family.  And I’m so thankful that we were able to provide a home for Parker and that he seems to have alleviated some of Gertrudis’ anxiety about being the only cat in the house (when she remembers to stop fighting with him.)

Finally, and most importantly, I am so thankful for my husband, Scot.  First that here in Massachusetts I can actually have a husband, and secondly, but more importantly, that he’s someone as kind, understanding, complex, and beautiful as Scot.  I don’t tell him this nearly enough, but it comes from my heart… I love you, Scottie, and I am so grateful that you are a part of my life.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!