Cheez-Whiz is PEOPLE!!!

I just saw a Kraft Cheese commercial that began with a very disturbing line.

Of course, milk comes from cows … but cheese comes from people.

What do you make of that?

Mystery Date

So, I’m checking out my professional library blogs via RSS this afternoon and come across a post from one of my favorites, Chronicles of Bean. I’ve never met Cindi, but we’ve exchanged a couple tweets in passing on Twitter and she gives reliably good and sensible blog. So how has she been spending her time lately?

Today’s stoopid web quiz

OK, so I took a couple of these… I am part Jim, part Ryan from The Office, I would have been in Gryffindor, I am Hagrid (the outcast with a heart of gold), I am part Hiro, part Peter from Heroes, but best of all:

What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For?

And she goes on to say that it was dead on, matching her with the “geek” type and even displaying a picture of Tobey Maguire, which apparently works for her.

So, I worked through lunch today and it’s 4:00. Who’s my Mystery Date?

What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For?

You would fall for the sensitive guy. You’ll find your future man wherever turtlenecks are sold. He will have depth, introspection, and a disturbing knowledge of musical theatre. And he may be a little weird. But hey, while your girlfriends cry over broken hearts, you’ll be having Shakespeare read to you every night.
Find Your Character @

Holy moley. Jake Gyllenhaal reading me Shakespeare?! Do you really think he has a “disturbing knowledge of musical theatre?” It is scarily accurate, I’d say. But I think I’ve got a pretty sensitive guy already. And if he already knew a whole lot about musical theatre, what would be left to teach him!?

Check out the Desperate Classic Housewives

So TVLand is doing something pretty cool with some classic actresses, and I just had to post this video here because it features one of my favorite classic TV actresses. I was going to list who plays the desperate classic housewives, but I think you’ll get more of a kick out of seeing them revealed one at a time. E-mail me if you don’t recognize them (and if you’re under 30, you may not!

There’s also a pretty funny spoof of Sex in the City.