Drugs are bad. Especially this one.

I knew I’d have to face it someday. Sudafed (the real kind) is now as hard to get as paragoric. Pfizer has reformulated their product by taking out the pseudoephedrine and replacing it with this stuff called phenylephrine. Not only do they not appear to have a 12-hour version of this Sudafed PE stuff, but as far as I can tell, it doesn’t do anything to help with my chronic sinusitis. And it makes me super jittery and nauseous. I can’t urge you strongly enough to stay away from this crap.

Why did they do this? Apparently you can make speed out of Sudafed. Who knew? Well, if the feeling I get from Sudafed PE is any indication, I bet you can make some whopping illicit drug out of that too. (Meth PE, perhaps?)

I understand that the pseudoephedrine versions (Sudafed Classic, I think they should call it in homage to Coke) will still be available … but pharmacists will keep it behind the counter. Great. Just what I wanted. Everyone in my neighborhood will think I’m running a meth lab.

My New Friend

Pledge Multi-SurfaceOkay, call me a stupid consumer but I love Pledge Multi-Surface. It rocks. I had to do lots of chores as a boy in a single-parent household and my life would have been so much easier if I could have used this product. I can’t tell you, as part of my daily chores, how many times I used furniture wax on the fridge or Windex on the dining room table.